

Create a Log Destination

Create a new Token based destination to accept logs from Birch.

Papertrail Documentation


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
API KeyThe token used to authenticate

Log Format

Papertrail does not support displaying a timestamp other than when the log was received. This means if a device was offline and the logs were created 8 hours ago but uploaded now. The timestamp displayed would be now and not when the log was created.

The logs are still created in the correct order so relative timing will be correct.

  "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
  "level": 0,
  "source": {
    "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
    "package_name": "",
    "app_version": "1.0",
    "app_build_number": "1",
    "brand": "google",
    "manufacturer": "google",
    "model": "pixel 3a",
    "os": "Android",
    "identifier": "user_id",
    "custom_property__key": "value",
    "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
  "message": "hello"