
Welcome to the Birch documentation.

Birch is a free, simple, secure remote logger for mobile applications that connects your apps to existing logging infrastructure that your company may already have in place.

Birch provides device management to remotely adjust log levels and upload frequency of any individual installation of your project. It also provides configuration to manage verbosity for different environments such as production, staging, etc.

If a client is having issues that you can't reproduce locally, you can simply increase the log verbosity of their device without requiring them to send you log files or install a different build.

Learn more at

Installation for Android

Add jitpack to your project build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Add Birch to your app build.gradle

implementation 'com.ryanfung.birch-android:birch:1.8.0'

If you use Timber, you can also use the following:

implementation 'com.ryanfung.birch-android:birch-timber:1.8.0'

Initializing the logger

In your application class, initialize the logger.

class MyApp: Application() {

  override fun onCreate() {

    // This is a sample of how you might want to configure the logger between development and production builds.
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
      Birch.level = Level.TRACE // This overrides the server configuration during local development. The default is null.
      Birch.synchronous = true // This makes the logger log synchronously. The default is false.
    } else {
      Birch.console = false // Disable console logging in production.

    Birch.debug = true // This line should be removed after you've successfully integrated. It is only used to help you debug the integration if you're having issues.
    Birch.identifier = "your_user_id" // this is optional but highly recommended


Use the logger as you would with logcat.

Birch.t("trace message") // simplest
Birch.t { "trace message" } // most performant especially if it's expensive to build the log message.

Birch.d("debug message")
Birch.d { "debug message" }

Birch.i("info message")
Birch.i { "info message" }

Birch.w("warn message")
Birch.w { "warn message" }

Birch.e("error message")
Birch.e { "error message" }


Installation for iOS, macOS and tvOS.

Birch supports iOS 11+, macOS 10.13+, tvOS 11+ and Swift 5+.


pod 'Birch'


github "gruffins/birch-swift"

Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "", majorVersion: 1)

Inializing the logger

In your app delegate class, initialize the logger.

import Birch

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

  func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    #if DEBUG
      Birch.level = .trace // This overrides the server configuration during local development. The default is null.
      Birch.synchronous = true // This makes the logger log synchronously. The default is false.
      Birch.console = false // Disable console logging in production.

    Birch.debug = true // This line should be removed after you've successfully integrated.
    Birch.initialize("YOUR_API_KEY", publicKey: "YOUR_PUBLIC_ENCRYPTION_KEY")

    return true

If the DEBUG flag doesnt work, you may need to add -DDEBUG to OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS.


Use the logger as you would with any logger.

Birch.t("trace message") // simplest
Birch.t { "trace message" } // most performant especially if it's expensive to build the log message.

Birch.d("debug message")
Birch.d { "debug message" }

Birch.i("info message")
Birch.i { "info message" }

Birch.w("warn message")
Birch.w { "warn message" }

Birch.e("error message")
Birch.e { "error message" }


Installation for React Native

npm i react-native-birch

Initalize the logger

import Birch from 'react-native-birch';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

export default function App() {
  useEffect(() => {
      apiKey: "your_api_key",
      publicKey: "public_encryption_key",
  }, []);


Use the logger as you would with any logger.

Birch.t("trace message");
Birch.d("debug message");
Birch.i("info message");
Birch.w("warn message");
Birch.e("error message");


console(): Boolean

Returns whether console logging is enabled.

val console = Birch.console

console(console: Boolean)

Set whether console logging is enabled. This can be useful in DEBUG builds, otherwise it's better to be false.

Birch.console = true

customProperties(): Map<String, String>

Returns the custom properties set on the logger.

val properties = Birch.customProperties

customProperties(properties: Map<String, String>)

Sets the custom properties on the logger. Properties are persisted and sent with each log message. Limit key name length and number of properties, certain drains have limits imposed by the provider.

Birch.customProperties = mapOf("country" to "usa")

debug(): Boolean

Returns whether the logger is in debug mode. Debug logs Birch operations.

val debug = Birch.debug

debug(debug: Boolean)

Sets the logger to debug mode on/off.

Birch.debug = true


Force the agent to synchronize with the server.



Force the agent to upload logs. This will rotate the current log file then queue a job to push logs back to the server.


identifier(): String?

Returns the identifier set on the logger. The identifier is sent with each log message.

val identifier = Birch.identifier

identifier(identifier: String?)

Sets the identifier for Birch. This is typically set to the user_id but you can set it to anything that you use as an identifier in your system.

Birch.identifier = "your_user_id"

init(context: Context, apiKey: String, publicKey: String?, options: Options)

Initializes the logger to start processing and uploading logs. Calling it twice will do nothing.

contextAny context will suffice, Birch will get the application context from it.
apiKeyThe api key for your environment.
publicKeyThe base64 encoded public encryption key, leaving this null will lead to unencrypted logs on disk.
optionsAdditional options to apply to the agent.
val apiKey = "your_api_key"
val publicKey = "public_encryption_key"
val options = Options().also {
  it.scrubbers = listOf(PasswordScrubber(), EmailScrubber())

Birch.init(this, apiKey, publicKey, options)

level(): Level?

Returns the log level override.

val level = Birch.level

level(level: Level?)

Overrides the logger log level. This value overrides the server so you may only want to use this in DEBUG builds.

Birch.level = Level.TRACE

optOut: Boolean

Returns whether the logger has been opted out of.

val optOut = Birch.optOut

optOut(optOut: Boolean)

Set whether to opt out of logging. This will disable logging and device synchronization.

Birch.optOut = true

remote(): Boolean

Gets whether remote logging is enabled.

val remote = Birch.remote

remote(remote: Boolean)

Set whether remote logging is enabled. This can be useful to limit remote logging in DEBUG builds, otherwise it should be left as true.

Birch.remote = true

synchronous(): Boolean

Return whether the logger is logging synchronously.

val sync = Birch.synchronous

synchronous(synchronous: Boolean)

Set whether the logger should operate synchronously. This can be useful in DEBUG builds, otherwise it should be left as false.

Birch.synchronous =  true

uuid(): String

Returns the assigned UUID for this source.

val uuid = Birch.uuid


console(): Bool

Returns whether console logging is enabled.

let console = Birch.console

console(_ console: Bool)

Set whether console logging is enabled. This can be useful in DEBUG builds, otherwise it's better to be false.

Birch.console = true

customProperties(): [String: String]

Returns the custom properties set on the logger.

let properties = Birch.customProperties

customProperties(_ properties: [String: String])

Sets the custom properties on the logger. Properties are persisted and sent with each log message. Limit key name length and number of properties, certain drains have limits imposed by the provider.

Birch.customProperties = ["country": "usa"]

debug(): Bool

Returns whether the logger is in debug mode. Debug logs Birch operations.

let debug = Birch.debug

debug(_ debug: Bool)

Sets the logger to debug mode on/off.

Birch.debug = true


Force the agent to synchronize with the server.



Force the agent to upload logs. This will rotate the current log file then queue a job to push logs back to the server.


identifier(): String?

Returns the identifier set on the logger. The identifier is sent with each log message.

let identifier = Birch.identifier

identifier(_ identifier: String?)

Sets the identifier for Birch. This is typically set to the user_id but you can set it to anything that you use as an identifier in your system.

Birch.identifier = "your_user_id"

initialize(_ apiKey: String, publicKey: String?, options: Options)

Initializes the logger to start processing and uploading logs. Calling it twice will do nothing.

apiKeyThe api key for your environment.
publicKeyThe base64 encoded public encryption key, leaving this null will lead to unencrypted logs on disk.
optionsAdditional options to apply to the agent.
let apiKey = "your_api_key"
let publicKey = "public_encryption_key"
let options = Options()
options.scrubbers = [PasswordScrubber(), EmailScrubber()]

Birch.initialize(apiKey, publicKey: publicKey, options: options)

level(): Level?

Returns the log level override.

let level = Birch.level

level(_ level: Level?)

Overrides the logger log level. This value overrides the server so you may only want to use this in DEBUG builds.

Birch.level = .trace

optOut(): Bool

Returns whether the logger has been opted out of.

let optOut = Birch.optOut

optOut(_ optOut: Bool)

Set whether to opt out of logging. This will disable logging and device synchronization.

Birch.optOut = true

remote(): Bool

Gets whether remote logging is enabled.

let remote = Birch.remote

remote(_ remote: Bool)

Set whether remote logging is enabled. This can be useful to limit remote logging in DEBUG builds, otherwise it should be left as true.

Brich.remote = true

synchronous(): Bool

Return whether the logger is logging synchronously.

let sync = Birch.synchronous

synchronous(_ synchronous: Bool)

Set whether the logger should operate synchronously. This can be useful in DEBUG builds, otherwise it should be left as false.

Birch.synchronous = true

uuid(): String

Returns the assigned UUID for this source.

let uuid = Birch.uuid


getConsole(): Promise<boolean>

Returns whether console logging is enabled.

let allowConsole = await Birch.getConsole();

setConsole(value: boolean)

Set whether console logging is enabled. This can be useful in DEBUG builds, otherwise it's better to be false.


getCustomProperties(): Promise<Record<string, string>>

Returns the custom properties set on the logger.

const customProperties = await Birch.getCustomProperties();

setCustomProperties(value: Record<string, string>)

Sets the custom properties on the logger. Properties are persisted and sent with each log message. Limit key name length and number of properties, certain drains have limits imposed by the provider.


getDebug(): Promise<boolean>

Returns whether the logger is in debug mode. Debug logs Birch operations.

const debug = await Birch.getDebug();

setDebug(value: boolean)

Sets the logger to debug mode on/off.



Force the agent to synchronize with the server.



Force the agent to upload logs. This will rotate the current log file then queue a job to push logs back to the server.


getIdentifier(): Promise<string | undefined>

Returns the identifier set on the logger. The identifier is sent with each log message.

const identifier = await Birch.getIdentifier();

setIdentifier(value: string | undefined)

Sets the identifier for Birch. This is typically set to the user_id but you can set it to anything that you use as an identifier in your system.


init(apiKey: string, publicKey: string | undefined, options: Options)

Initializes the logger to start processing and uploading logs. Calling it twice will do nothing.

apiKeyThe api key for your environment.
publicKeyThe base64 encoded public encryption key, leaving this undefined will lead to unencrypted logs on disk.
optionsAdditional options to apply to the agent.
import Birch, { Level } from 'react-native-birch';

const apiKey = "your_api_key";
const publicKey = "public_encryption_key"
const options = {
  defaultLevel: Level.Trace

Birch.init(apiKey, publicKey, options);

getLevel(): Promise<Level | undefined>

Returns the log level override.

const level = await Birch.getLevel();

setLevel(value: Level | undefined)

Overrides the logger log level. This value overrides the server so you may only want to use this in DEBUG builds.


getOptOut(): Promise<boolean>

Returns whether the logger has been opted out of.

const optOut = await Birch.getOptOut();

setOptOut(value: boolean)

Set whether to opt out of logging. This will disable logging and device synchronization.


getRemote(): Promise<boolean>

Gets whether remote logging is enabled.

const remote = await Birch.getRemote();

setRemote(value: boolean)

Set whether remote logging is enabled. This can be useful to limit remote logging in DEBUG builds, otherwise it should be left as true.


getSynchronous(): Promise<boolean>

Return whether the logger is logging synchronously.

const sync = await Birch.getSynchronous();

setSynchronous(value: boolean)

Set whether the logger should operate synchronously. This can be useful in DEBUG builds, otherwise it should be left as false.


getUuid(): Promise<string>

Returns the assigned UUID for this source.

const uuid = await Birch.getUuid();



AWS Access

Either create programmatic access user or provide an existing one.

This user must have the following permissions:

  1. logs:CreateLogGroup
  2. logs:CreateLogStream
  3. logs:PutLogEvents

The AWSAppSyncPushToCloudWatchLogs premade role has these permissions.


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
Access Key IDThe access key id of the AWS user used to authenticate
Secret Access KeyThe secret access key of the user used to authenticate
RegionMust match the region of your AWS account
Log Group NameThe log group to place the logs in, many call it birch

Log Format

CloudWatch only supports the following:

  • timestamp
  • message

Log Stream

The log_stream ends up being the identifier of the source.


Birch.identifier is nil so logs end up in log_group/source_uuid

Another example:

Birch.identifier = so logs end up in log_group/

If the identifier changes on the source, the logs made under the old identifier continue to flow to the old log stream and new logs will flow to the new log stream.




Either generate a new API key or provide an existing one.

Datadog Documentation


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
API KeyThe Datadog API key used to authenticate

Log Format

Logs are sent with the given format:

  "ddsource": "birch",
  "ddtags": "platform=android,custom_property__key_1:value1,custom_property__key_2:value2",
  "hostname": "",
  "message": "2023-01-18T13:24:59Z DEBUG Your message",
  "service": "client"




Either create a new API key or provide an existing one.

Elasticsearch Documentation


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identifiy the drain
API KeyThe API key used to authenticate
Elastic IndexWhich index to place the logs under
URLThe full url to your elasticsearch instance

Log Format

    "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
    "level": 0,
    "source": {
      "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
      "package_name": "",
      "app_version": "1.0",
      "app_build_number": "1",
      "brand": "google",
      "manufacturer": "google",
      "model": "pixel 3a",
      "os": "Android",
      "identifier": "user_id",
      "custom_property__key": "value",
      "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
    "message": "hello"

Google Cloud Logging


Google Services Account

Create a new Service Account that will allow Birch to write logs to your Google project.

The account will need the Logs Writer role in order to write logs to your project.

Service Account

You will also need to generate a JSON private key that will be used to authenticate Birch with your project.



Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identifiy the drain
Project IDYour Google project ID
Service account credentialsThe JSON private key used to authenticate

Log Format Mapping

BirchGoogle Cloud Logging
source (and custom properties)labels




Either create a new token or use an existing one to allow Birch to write logs to your account.

Loggly Documentation


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
Customer TokenThe token used to authenticate

Log Format

Logs are automaticaly written under the birch tag.

  "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
  "level": 0,
  "source": {
    "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
    "package_name": "",
    "app_version": "1.0",
    "app_build_number": "1",
    "brand": "google",
    "manufacturer": "google",
    "model": "pixel 3a",
    "os": "Android",
    "identifier": "user_id",
    "custom_property__key": "value",
    "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
  "message": "hello"



Create a New Source

Create a new HTTP source to accept logs from Birch.

Copy the Source Token


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
Source TokenThe source token used to authenticate

Log Format

  "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
  "level": 0,
  "source": {
    "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
    "package_name": "",
    "app_version": "1.0",
    "app_build_number": "1",
    "brand": "google",
    "manufacturer": "google",
    "model": "pixel 3a",
    "os": "Android",
    "identifier": "user_id",
    "custom_property__key": "value",
    "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
  "message": "hello"



Shipping Token

Either create a new shipping token or provide an existing one.

Logz Documentation


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
Shipping TokenThe shipping token used to authenticate
RegionThe region of your Logz account

Log Format

  "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
  "level": 0,
  "source": {
    "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
    "package_name": "",
    "app_version": "1.0",
    "app_build_number": "1",
    "brand": "google",
    "manufacturer": "google",
    "model": "pixel 3a",
    "os": "Android",
    "identifier": "user_id",
    "custom_property__key": "value",
    "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
  "message": "hello"

New Relic


License Key

Either create a new License Key or provide an existing one.


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name ot identify the drain
License KeyThe license key used to authenticate
RegionThe region of your New Relic account

Log Format

  "timestamp": "1674146985",
  "source": {
    "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
    "package_name": "",
    "app_version": "1.0",
    "app_build_number": "1",
    "brand": "google",
    "manufacturer": "google",
    "model": "pixel 3a",
    "os": "Android",
    "identifier": "user_id",
    "custom_property__key": "value",
    "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
  "message": "hello"



Create a Log Destination

Create a new Token based destination to accept logs from Birch.

Papertrail Documentation


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
API KeyThe token used to authenticate

Log Format

Papertrail does not support displaying a timestamp other than when the log was received. This means if a device was offline and the logs were created 8 hours ago but uploaded now. The timestamp displayed would be now and not when the log was created.

The logs are still created in the correct order so relative timing will be correct.

  "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
  "level": 0,
  "source": {
    "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
    "package_name": "",
    "app_version": "1.0",
    "app_build_number": "1",
    "brand": "google",
    "manufacturer": "google",
    "model": "pixel 3a",
    "os": "Android",
    "identifier": "user_id",
    "custom_property__key": "value",
    "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
  "message": "hello"



AWS Access

Either create a programmatic access user or provide an existing one.

This user must have the following permissions:

  1. s3:PutObject on the bucket.


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
Access Key IDThe access key id of the AWS user used to authenticate
Secret Access KeyThe secret access key of the AWS user used to authenticate
RegionMust match the region of your AWS account
BucketThe bucket to place the logs in
Key PrefixA prefix to the path where the logs are put. See additional documentation

Key Prefix

Logs will be saved to **s3://:bucket/(:key_prefix/):source_identifier/:timestamp.json

Let's say you have the following setup:

  • Bucket is your_company
  • Key prefix is null
  • You did not set an identifier on the logger. Birch.identifier = nil
  • The UUID is e903d25d-eabc-4038-a149-bccf87830021. Example: let uuid = Birch.uuid

Logs will be written to:


Let's say you have this setup:

  • Bucket is your_company
  • Key prefix is birch_logs
  • You set an identifier on the logger. Birch.identifier = "abc123"

Logs will be written to


Log Format

    "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
    "level": 0,
    "source": {
      "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
      "package_name": "",
      "app_version": "1.0",
      "app_build_number": "1",
      "brand": "google",
      "manufacturer": "google",
      "model": "pixel 3a",
      "os": "Android",
      "identifier": "user_id",
      "custom_property__key": "value",
      "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
    "message": "hello"



Wasabi Access

Either create a programmatic access user or provide an existing one.

This user must have the following permissions:

  1. s3:PutObject on the bucket.


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
Access Key IDThe access key id of the Wasabi user used to authenticate
Secret Access KeyThe secret access key of the Wasabi user used to authenticate
RegionMust match the region of your Wasabi account
BucketThe bucket to place the logs in
Key PrefixA prefix to the path where the logs are put. See additional documentation

Key Prefix

Logs will be saved to **s3://:bucket/(:key_prefix/):source_identifier/:timestamp.json

Let's say you have the following setup:

  • Bucket is your_company
  • Key prefix is null
  • You did not set an identifier on the logger. Birch.identifier = nil
  • The UUID is e903d25d-eabc-4038-a149-bccf87830021. Example: let uuid = Birch.uuid

Logs will be written to:


Let's say you have this setup:

  • Bucket is your_company
  • Key prefix is birch_logs
  • You set an identifier on the logger. Birch.identifier = "abc123"

Logs will be written to


Log Format

    "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
    "level": 0,
    "source": {
      "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
      "package_name": "",
      "app_version": "1.0",
      "app_build_number": "1",
      "brand": "google",
      "manufacturer": "google",
      "model": "pixel 3a",
      "os": "Android",
      "identifier": "user_id",
      "custom_property__key": "value",
      "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
    "message": "hello"



Your webhook must be publicly available and be secure. Birch will not deliver logs to an endpoint without SSL/TLS.

The endpoint should return 200-299 status code to signal that the logs were received, any other response will queue the logs for retry.


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
UrlThe url to your endpoint

Securing your endpoint

There are 2 options for securing your endpoint:

  1. Basic Authentication
  2. Query Parameters

Basic Authentication

You can format your url as follows:

Query Params

You can format your url as follows:

Log Format

    "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
    "level": 0,
    "source": {
      "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
      "package_name": "",
      "app_version": "1.0",
      "app_build_number": "1",
      "brand": "google",
      "manufacturer": "google",
      "model": "pixel 3a",
      "os": "Android",
      "identifier": "user_id",
      "custom_property__key": "value",
      "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
    "message": "hello"

Backblaze B2


Backblaze Access

Create a new application key. The application key must have Write access.


Add the integration to your dashboard.

Key IDThe keyId for the given application key
Application KeyThe application key returned by Backblaze
EndpointThe endpoint for the bucket you want the logs to write to. Example is
BucketThe bucket where the logs should be saved
Key PrefixA prefix to the path where the logs are put. See additional documentation

Key Prefix

Logs will be saved to s3://:bucket/(:key_prefix/):source_identifier/:timestamp.json

Let's say you have the following setup:

  • Bucket is your_company
  • Key prefix is null
  • You did not set an identifier on the logger. Birch.identifier = nil
  • The UUID is e903d25d-eabc-4038-a149-bccf87830021. Example: let uuid = Birch.uuid

Logs will be written to:


Let's say you have this setup:

  • Bucket is your_company
  • Key prefix is birch_logs
  • You set an identifier on the logger. Birch.identifier = "abc123"

Logs will be written to


Log Format

    "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
    "level": 0,
    "source": {
      "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
      "package_name": "",
      "app_version": "1.0",
      "app_build_number": "1",
      "brand": "google",
      "manufacturer": "google",
      "model": "pixel 3a",
      "os": "Android",
      "identifier": "user_id",
      "custom_property__key": "value",
      "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
    "message": "hello"


If the drain you're looking for is not available. Send me a note at ryan[at] There is a good chance we can get it integrated relatively quickly.


For established applications, you may find that you have several environments for various stages of the development cycle.

Here's a real world example of how a company manages their mobile logs.

Software Development Cycle

The company use GitFlow branching model and has 4 primary branches.

productionThe code that is deployed to production.
stagingThe code prior to deploying to production. This acts as a staging area before pushing to production.
developThe active development branch
sandboxA branch to used for internal demos and/or QA.

Logging Setup

There are a total of 8 environment Birch environments to match this setup.

EnvironmentLog LevelFlush PeriodDescription
ios-productionERROR1hOnly track errors by default.
ios-stagingTRACE30sSince QA is run here and there are few devices, log verbosely.
ios-sandboxTRACE30sSame as staging
ios-developERROR1hDevelopers have access to console so remote logging likely unneccessary.
android-productionERROR1hOnly track errors by default.
android-stagingTRACE30sSince QA is run here and there are few devices, log verbosely.
android-sandboxTRACE30sSame as staging
android-developERROR1hDevelopers have access to logcat so remote logging likely unneccessary.


Scrubbing is the process of removing sensitive logging information before it leaves the device. Scrubbing happens on the agent so it stops sensitive data at the source, limiting it's exposure to other services.

Birch will automatically apply an email and a password scrubber to your logs.

Creating a Scrubber

A scrubber simply needs to extend the Scrubber class and override the scrub() function.

scrub() is called for every log message and is responsible for returning a cleansed string.


import com.gruffins.birch.Scrubber

class YourScrubber: Scrubber {
  override fun scrub(input: String): String {
    return input.replace("YOUR_REGEX".toRegex(), "[FILTERED]")


import Birch

class YourScrubber: Scrubber {
  init() {}

  public func scrub(input: String) -> String {
    return input.replacingOccurrences(
      of: "YOUR_REGEX",
      with: "[FILTERED]",
      options: [.regularExpression, .caseInsensitive]

React Native

function customScrubber(input: string): string {
  return input.replaceAll(YOUR_REGEX, "[FILTERED]");

Register Your Scrubber

Add your scrubber when you initialize the agent.


  Options().also {
    it.scrubbers = listOf(PasswordScrubber(), EmailScrubber(), YourScrubber())


let options = Options()
options.scrubbers = [PasswordScrubber(), EmailScrubber(), YourScrubber()]

  publicKey: "PUBLIC_KEY",
  options: options

React Native

import Birch, { emailScrubber, passwordScrubber } from 'react-native-birch';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

function customScrubber(input: string): string {
  return input.replaceAll(REGEX, "[FILTERED]");

export default function App() {
  useEffect(() => {
      apiKey: "api_key",
      publicKey: "public_key",
      options: {
        scrubbers: [customScrubber, emailScrubber, passwordScrubber],
  }, []);
  return (

Multi Agent

In the case you may want to have multiple loggers that serve different purposes, Birch can operate with multiple agents.

An example of multi agent is if you wanted the following:

  • An agent strictly for analytics that drains to Elasticsearch.
  • An agent for general purpose logging that drains to Logtail.

Each agent can have independent configurations and environments.

Getting Started

Instead of using the Birch class, you will now use the Agent class.

Each agent must have a unique directory.


import com.gruffins.birch.Agent

class MyApp: Application() {

  lateinit var analytics: Agent
  lateinit var logger: Agent

  override fun onCreate() {

    analytics = Agent("analytics").also {
      it.identifier = "your_user_id"

    logger = Agent("logger").also {
      it.identifer = "your_user_id"

    analytics.d { "app_started" }
    logger.d { "Application started" }


import Birch

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

  var analytics: Agent!
  var logger: Agent!

  func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    analytics = Agent(directory: "analytics")
    analytics.initialize("ANALYTICS_API_KEY", publicKey: "ANALYTICS_PUBLIC_ENCRYPTION_KEY")
    analytics.identifier = "your_user_id"

    logger = Agent(directory: "logger")
    logger.initialize("LOGGER_API_KEY", publicKey: "LOGGER_PUBLIC_ENCRYPTION_KEY")
    logger.identifier = "your_user_id"

    return true

Release Notes

This page provides a changelog that lists new releases and describes updates to the platform.

iOS / macOS / tvOSCocoaPods compatible
React Nativenpm

Release Notes

March 15, 2025

Platform - Added support for Backblaze B2.

January 16, 2024

React Native - Released version 0.1.0

January 12, 2024

Swift - Released version 1.9.0

January 5, 2024

Android - Released version 1.7.0

November 7, 2023

Swift - Release version 1.8.0 which supports XCode 15.

February 26, 2023

Android - Released version 1.6.0
Swift - Released version 1.7.0

February 18, 2023

Platform - Added support for Google Cloud Logging.

February 4, 2023

Android - Released version 1.5.0
Swift - Released version 1.6.0

January 27, 2023

Platform - Added support for Wasabi drains.

January 21, 2023

Platform - Moved documentation to
Documentation - Added log format samples to all drains.

January 16, 2023

Platform - Added support for S3 drains.

January 11, 2023

Android - Added multiple configuration options to control console logging, remote logging, log level override, and more.

January 8, 2023

Platform - Added support for CloudWatch drains.