

Wasabi Access

Either create a programmatic access user or provide an existing one.

This user must have the following permissions:

  1. s3:PutObject on the bucket.


Add the integration to your dashboard.

NameA name to identify the drain
Access Key IDThe access key id of the Wasabi user used to authenticate
Secret Access KeyThe secret access key of the Wasabi user used to authenticate
RegionMust match the region of your Wasabi account
BucketThe bucket to place the logs in
Key PrefixA prefix to the path where the logs are put. See additional documentation

Key Prefix

Logs will be saved to **s3://:bucket/(:key_prefix/):source_identifier/:timestamp.json

Let's say you have the following setup:

  • Bucket is your_company
  • Key prefix is null
  • You did not set an identifier on the logger. Birch.identifier = nil
  • The UUID is e903d25d-eabc-4038-a149-bccf87830021. Example: let uuid = Birch.uuid

Logs will be written to:


Let's say you have this setup:

  • Bucket is your_company
  • Key prefix is birch_logs
  • You set an identifier on the logger. Birch.identifier = "abc123"

Logs will be written to


Log Format

    "timestamp": "2022-10-25T02:05:15+00:00",
    "level": 0,
    "source": {
      "uuid": "954257b7-1feb-4fd1-8cb8-a047a105ff26",
      "package_name": "com.gruffins.birch.app",
      "app_version": "1.0",
      "app_build_number": "1",
      "brand": "google",
      "manufacturer": "google",
      "model": "pixel 3a",
      "os": "Android",
      "identifier": "user_id",
      "custom_property__key": "value",
      "custom_property__key_1": "value 1"
    "message": "hello"