
For established applications, you may find that you have several environments for various stages of the development cycle.

Here's a real world example of how a company manages their mobile logs.

Software Development Cycle

The company use GitFlow branching model and has 4 primary branches.

productionThe code that is deployed to production.
stagingThe code prior to deploying to production. This acts as a staging area before pushing to production.
developThe active development branch
sandboxA branch to used for internal demos and/or QA.

Logging Setup

There are a total of 8 environment Birch environments to match this setup.

EnvironmentLog LevelFlush PeriodDescription
ios-productionERROR1hOnly track errors by default.
ios-stagingTRACE30sSince QA is run here and there are few devices, log verbosely.
ios-sandboxTRACE30sSame as staging
ios-developERROR1hDevelopers have access to console so remote logging likely unneccessary.
android-productionERROR1hOnly track errors by default.
android-stagingTRACE30sSince QA is run here and there are few devices, log verbosely.
android-sandboxTRACE30sSame as staging
android-developERROR1hDevelopers have access to logcat so remote logging likely unneccessary.